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Five Hazards Of High Temperature Rise Of Injection Molding Machine

2023-02-22 15:53:20 美工

One of the hazards: thermal deformation of the machine

The moving parts with different thermal expansion coefficients in the hydraulic components are stuck due to the narrowing of the fit clearance, causing malfunctions, affecting the transmission accuracy of the hydraulic system, and resulting in poor working quality of the components.

Hazard 2: Reduce the viscosity of the oil

Excessive temperature rise of the injection molding machine will reduce the viscosity of the oil, increase the leakage, and the volumetric efficiency of the pump and the efficiency of the entire system will be significantly reduced. As the viscosity of the oil decreases, the oil film of moving parts such as slide valves becomes thinner and cut, and the frictional resistance increases, resulting in increased wear.

Hazard 3: Deform the rubber seal

Excessive temperature rise of the injection molding machine will deform the rubber seal, accelerate aging and failure, reduce sealing performance and service life, and cause leakage.

Hazard 4: Accelerate oil oxidation and deterioration

Excessive temperature rise of the injection molding machine will accelerate the oxidation and deterioration of the oil, precipitate asphalt substances, and reduce the service life of the hydraulic oil. The precipitates block the damping holes and slit valve ports, causing the pressure valve to be stuck and unable to move, the metal pipeline to be stretched and bent, or even ruptured.

Hazard five: lead to poor quality of parts work

If the temperature rise of the injection molding machine is too high, the working quality of the components will deteriorate, and the dissolved air in the oil will escape, resulting in cavitation, which will reduce the working performance of the hydraulic system. The ideal working temperature of the hydraulic system should be between 45 degrees and 50 degrees, because the hydraulic system is designed according to the viscosity of a selected pressure oil, but the viscosity will change with the oil temperature, which will affect the work of the system. Components, such as oil cylinders, hydraulic valves, etc., reduce control accuracy and response sensitivity, especially for precision injection machines. At the same time, if the temperature is too high, the aging of the seal will be accelerated, causing it to harden and crack; if the temperature is too low, the processing energy will be consumed and the operating speed will be reduced. Therefore, it is necessary to pay close attention to the working temperature of the hydraulic oil. There are various reasons for the high oil temperature, but most of them are due to the failure of the oil circuit or the failure of the cooling system.