Plastic Injection Molding Machine - KINGSING

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Precautions for injection molding machine

2023-02-22 16:30:49 美工
  • The safety device installed on the machine is designed to ensure the safety of the operator and protect the product from damage.

  • The machine must ensure that all safety devices are in normal working condition before it can be operated.

  • Do not dismantle any safety device at will.

  • Security facilities also include programs in the software, and any modification to the programs is not allowed.

  • If any accident or error occurs in the safety equipment, the machine must be shut down immediately.

  • The emergency stop button and the main switch of the power supply will shut down the cooling water supply after about 20 minutes, and the person in charge must be notified immediately.

  • Before restarting the machine, the fault must be eliminated.